April 24, 2009 [Topics]Selected by METI as the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME
Selected by METI*1 as the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME*2 in manufacturing manufacturing industry.
*1 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
*2 Small-Medium Enterprise
"Sector of energetic SME supporting Japanese innovation in manufacturing"
Processing of new and hard cutting materials taking a major role in manufacturing of next generation aircraft.
With the trend of three-dimensionalizing in manufacture of aircraft parts, Tokuda began profiling in the production to get seamless parts using a horizontal 5-axis machine regarded as heteroclite in the industry so far. High-precision/ high-efficiency machining of CFRP, titanium and INVER, which has been increased the use for structural members, has been actualized by the development of the tool with machining simulation.
中部経済産業局 2009年 元気なモノ作り中小企業300社
(Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME in manufacturing industry )
中小企業庁 元気なモノ作り中小企業300社2009年度版
(Small-Medium Enterprise Agency, the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME in manufacturing industry)

*1 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
*2 Small-Medium Enterprise
"Sector of energetic SME supporting Japanese innovation in manufacturing"
Processing of new and hard cutting materials taking a major role in manufacturing of next generation aircraft.
With the trend of three-dimensionalizing in manufacture of aircraft parts, Tokuda began profiling in the production to get seamless parts using a horizontal 5-axis machine regarded as heteroclite in the industry so far. High-precision/ high-efficiency machining of CFRP, titanium and INVER, which has been increased the use for structural members, has been actualized by the development of the tool with machining simulation.
中部経済産業局 2009年 元気なモノ作り中小企業300社
(Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME in manufacturing industry )
中小企業庁 元気なモノ作り中小企業300社2009年度版
(Small-Medium Enterprise Agency, the year 2009 best 300 of energetic SME in manufacturing industry)